Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hump day happiness

Drum roll please....

1.  God loved me enough to wake me up this morning

2.  I get to spend the weekend with my sissy and her family

3.  It's almost Rima's birthday 

4.  Shunta and Troy are soon (semi-soon) to have a baby girl

5.  Advising is almost over

6.  Leah, grad school friend, is moving on to begin her career

7.  FALL BREAK!!!!!! Can we say sleep......

8.  Talked to my Granny this week (I just love that lady)

9.  My NYC peeps are okay

10.  I can start listening to Christmas music (truth be told, I listen to Christmas music almost year round, but now I don't have to worry about comments from people ;-)

There it is.  I am having a wonderful week and hope that you all are too!  Tune back in tomorrow for the start of 30 days of thankfulness!  

Tootles for now.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hump day happiness

And we're back......

1.  God woke my family, friends and myself up this morning

2.  II Chronicles 20:15

3.  The granola I made yesterday is pretty much the best I've every had, hooray for homemade

4.  A new season

5.  A new church, Abundant Life on S. Irby Street

6.  All caught up on the family and community, thanks Mommy

7.  My Granny

8.  Finally got my arena built for research, let me just say that plexi glass is a beast and test of my patience (which is a work in progress)

9.  Meet and greet at church this coming Sunday with the pastor and his fam

10. New season of Tia and Tamera is on (I just casually found this out and knew this bit of info with no thanks to my so called friend Breana.......sad.......)

I'm grateful for so much, but those are a few for now.  Enjoy your hump day.  Smile, the work week is half over :-)

Tootles for now

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Is it a class thing?......

Image Source

Hello lovelies~

Recently I've been taking a little unofficial inventory of the women I know and see who choose to live the natural hair life.  I feel as though there is an  overwhelming trend for the women I know/see with natural hair to be of a certain type.  That type of person tends to be, from my observation, those of the middle or upper class.  Also, these women seem to be more educated and to be professionals.  Now of course this isn't a blanket statement, and by no means am I saying that poor uneducated women are never natural.  However, this is just the observation that I have made lately.  

So then of course I had to ask myself why this may be.  I wonder if natural hair often than not accompanies a general desire to live a more wholesome lifestyle, and therefore is more often embraced by women who are more educated.  Or, I wonder if women who are of a certain status are more comfortable with going against the norm?  

I'm not sure why this trend may be occurring, but from what I see, it is.  

Chime in on this.  Do you feel as though there is a greater tendency for women of a higher status to wear their hair natural than those of a lower status?  If so, why? 

That's I have
Tootles for now!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

my bff

In my ongoing battle against dryness I have rediscovered my bff water.  Water is by far the best moisturizer I have found for my hair.  I "water" my hair twice a day (once if I'm being lazy).  About once a week I wash my hair in the shower and add leave in (2tsp Giovanni leave in, 6tsp Aloe Vera juice, 2tsp vegetable glycerin, 1tsp Jojoba oil, 1tsp Castor oil, 1 drop liquid vitamin B, drops of essential oil of lavender, lemongrass, rosemary).  To wash my hair I use Aubrey Honeysuckle Rose, lemon juice rinse, plain water, or Terressentials about once a month.  On the other days I spray my hair with water from my bottle in the morning and at night.  I have found my favorite mixture to be tap water (about 22oz), about 4 drops liquid Vitamin B, 1-2tsp Aubrey honeysuckle rose conditioner, 2tsp vegetable glycerin, 1tsp Jojoba oil. 

I also DC with water when I feel like my hair needs an extra boost of moisture.  I simply spray my water mix on and cover with a plastic cap.  I place a satin scarf over my plastic cap and sleep as normal.  Usually, once I wake from my overnight DC I lightly spray and go.  

I know I have recommended water before, but it's so important I'm harping on it again!  So if you are struggling with moisture give it a try.  

Let me know how you combat dry hair.

Have a great week,
Tootles for now

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Favor isn't fair

Beautiful sunrise in Puerto Rico.  Yup, it's definite, God is by far still (and I'm sure always will be) my favorite artist!

Hello there lovelies~

I hope that everyone is doing well and had a wonderful hump day.  Instead of hump day happiness this week I decided to write about an experience that I recently had (don't worry, it's happiness).  Earlier this week I had a "wow, favor really isn't fair" moment.  This week I found out that a fellow co-worker is a non tenure track professor.  So quick explanation of tenure.  

In academia, to gain tenure is THE goal.  Once tenured, you have job security at that university for life (unless you do something incredibly stupid like blow the place up).  So, now a days especially tenure track jobs are quite competitive and hard to obtain.  A few months after I was hired at FMU the department chair approached me and asked me to apply for a tenure track position that the department had open.  What?!?!  Can we say "thanks God, because I clearly did nothing to deserve that."  

So, as the plot thickens, let's go back to my co-worker who is not in a tenure track position.  Once I learned this information I began to wonder why would the department ask me over him to accept a tenure track position?  According to credentials, he would be a much more likely option to be asked to move into a tenure track position than myself.  After some consideration I decided that the only reason I am where I am is because favor isn't fair, and I thank God for favor. 

So, once again God has come through in a HUGE way for me.  I love when God does something to remind me of His awesomeness and inexplicable love for me!!

That's all I have and I think that's enough to cover all top 10 hump day happiness slots!
Tootles for now~