Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Hump day happiness

Here we go.....

1.  God woke us up this morning

2.  I am actually doing hump day happiness on hump day!!

3.  I'm going home tomorrow

4.  I get to have family time this weekend

5.  I got to spend the whole day yesterday doing research

6.  I was re-inspired about research Saturday at a meeting

7.  The semester is basically over (last day of classes is Monday)

8.  I had amazing students this semester.  I really, overall, enjoyed the students in my classes this semester

9.  My buns are back!!!!!!!!  In my hair that is. 

10.  I went for a run Sunday at a wonderful little spot here in Florence.  I just may have found a new running spot. 

Happy hump day.  Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving Day!
Tootles for now......

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Length check!

This is a high messy bun on a semi-old (3 days) twist out.  It looked better this morning but I forgot to take a picture then so this is a re-created bun after wearing a hood (it was 45 degrees today y'all) while walking Miles and while running.  

Hello there lovelies~

Those of you who know me know that I don't do real length checks, but instead I do milestones.  And as you probably guessed since I am writing this post I have reached another milestone.  I can finally put my hair, all of my hair, up into a bun!!!  Now, it is no secret that I love buns, so this is a big milestone for me.  I have been able to put my hair into a faux bun for a couple of months now (a faux bun consists of pulling my hair up into a high puff using a ribbon to secure and then using bobby pins to secure the ends of my hair into the shape of a bun), but I have yet to be able to put my hair into a legitimate bun until this week!  

So, feel free to go ahead and plan the celebration for me reaching another milestone on my hair journey.  I have to admit, I am quite enjoying this second (really third) natural hair grow out journey. 

***something to try- When putting moisturizer/leave-in conditioner on your hair for a twist out there is no need to put the moisturizer on the roots of your hair.  Once you have separated the section of hair that you plan to twist only put moisturizer on the bottom one-half (for short to medium length hair) or two-thirds (for longer hair) of your section.  There is no need to put moisturizer on the roots of the hair because sebum (oil) from your scalp will naturally moisturize that region.  Moisturizer is only need on the bottom portion (ends) of hair because the twists and turns of our hair make it difficult for sebum to travel down the hair that far to provide moisture.  By not putting moisturizer on the roots of your hair you are less likely to get moisturizer on your scalp which can cause build up on the scalp (this may clog pores and potentially inhibit growth), irritate the scalp, or cause dandruff.  Just a little something to ponder and potentially try.  I never put moisturizer on my roots, at least not intentionally, and my roots are always well moisturized.  

Tootles for now....

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hump day happiness

Yup, I'm late again, but here we go......

1.  God woke us up this morning

2.  A great time back at FU for homecoming

3.  I got to meet Zoe while I was in Greenville

4.  Made a good potential business connection tonight

5.  It's almost Thanksgiving

6.  During lab on Monday my students told me that my class is their favorite and that they have learned a lot :-)  that really made me feel good

7.  Finally getting some things done to clear my plate off a bit (and saying no after this!)

8.  Found some nice yoga practices on YouTube to do in the mornings

9.  I am going to try out a new running spot this weekend that someone told me about

10.  The student presenters did a wonderful job at the PURE (program for undergraduate research experience) symposium today when they shared their research

11.  My research students brought me back a souvenir from Nashville (they went to a research conference there, how sweet of them to think of me)

12.  I had a great nap at work today, but shhhh...don't tell anyone :-) 

13. Friday is just around the corner and I am ready

14.  I get to have some of Aunt Jackie's cake soon (my fav cake and one of my favorite foods)

15.  My hair is long enough again to fit into a bun (I wore a bun today and completely forgot to take a pic, but take my word for it)

16.  I could go on and it makes me happy that I have so much happiness in my life

I suppose that's all for this week.
Tootles for now.....

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hump day happiness

1.  God woke us up this morning

2. I have time to do hump day happiness

3. I met with a student interested in research. Not just any student this guy reads his textbooks for fun. I am excited!!!

4. I had time to take Miles on a short walk this morning before work

5. I'm going to Greenville Friday!!!

6. I saw Charon this weekend

7. Avis and I went to the Panthers' game Sunday (and they won:-)

8. I finally get to meet Ms. Zoe this weekend

9. It is almost Thanksgiving

10. Watching The Cosby Show on TVLand at work

It has a while but hopefully I am back for good!!!

Tootles for now....