Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hump Day Happiness

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Good morning lovelies~ 

Today is hump day and I'm happy.  I've decided that each hump day I'll write 10 things that I'm happy about.  So, here we go.  Feel free to make your own hump day happiness in the comments section!!!

1.  The semester is just about over

2.  I woke up this morning which means I have a purpose

3.  I'm getting paid awesome bucks (in teacher world) to teach summer school

4.  My hair is pretty (which usually means it's dirty, go figure)

5.  I ran yesterday

6.  I get to sleep in next week (this goes with number 1, praise the Lord)

7.  I get to increase my work out time (this also goes with number 1, praise the Lord again)

8.  I'm turning into a health nut

9.  I have plans for every night the remainder of this week

10.  I saved $8 last night when I went grocery shopping

Tootles for now!


  1. I have way too many to list so I'll pick 4 since that's my favorite #!

    1. Just found out a good friend is pregnant!!
    2. Another good friend is due next week!!! yay babies!!
    3. 24 more days until London!!
    4. I woke up this morning with every need provided for all thanks to Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I could go on! Happy Hump Day!

    oh boo, one more, I am wearing a fabulous new outfit today! :-)

    1. Hooray! I have 24 more days to become flexible enough to fit into your suitcase so that I can go to London too. Guess I'll gear up on my yoga :-)

  2. Lol you are the second person who volunteered to keep our luggage company by flying in it!! Lol
    Warning it's a 12 hour flight lol
