Monday, December 17, 2012


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Hello there lovelies~

So, I got this brilliant idea one day while watching "The Chopping Block."  For anyone not familiar, "The Chopping Block" is a reality tv show for aspiring chefs.  On the show, contestants are given certain ingredients and a limited amount of time to create a dish.  As I was watching the show I thought about how creative these individuals must be to come up with these meals with such random ingredients and limited time.  The episode that I watched used the ingredients:  testicles (I forget from which animal), coffee beans, bananas, and arugula I believe.  

So, as I was watching, the light bulb in my head went ding and I got the idea to create my own contest.  The contest goes as follows.  I'll give you a list of items to use and I would like to see the most creative/cute hairstyle that you can come up with using those items.  Once you create your hairstyle take a pic and send it to me (  The prize will be one hair product of your choosing (so make it good), a sample of my leave in (once redesigned to my liking), and cute hair accessories.  So start thinking and get those photos in.  And spread the word so I can have lots of pics to choose from.  Be sure to send a photo that you don't mind being displayed as I will post the winning pic on my blog.   

Drumroll please........ and the items are:
  • 4 paperclips
  • 1 flower (artificial or real)
  • 3 ink pens or pencils
  • 2 buttons
  • 3 coins
Tootles for now

Rules for the contest
  1. You must use all items 
  2. You can not add additional items (products such as leave in or gel are fine)
  3. All submissions must be received no later than 11:59pm January 1, 2013
  4. All submissions must be sent to
  5. There will only be one winner chosen by myself, Shayna
  6. All photos sent in will become the property of
  7. Any photo sent in could be used on
  8. In email with attached photo, contestant should specify product of choice to receive if he/she is the winner
  9. In the email with attached photo, contestants should describe where each item was used in the hairstyle
  10. Each person should have fun and enjoy creating a new hairstyle
  11. By entering the contest you agree to all posted rules


  1. am I going to get 3 coins to stay in my hair?!?!?! Have you tried using these materials? LOL

    1. Hehe, that's the fun part. Of course I haven't tried these items out yet, that's your job :-)
