Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hump day (sort of) happiness

Hey there lovelies~
I was a bit out of commission yesterday, but here goes my happiness....

1.  God woke myself and my family/friends up this morning

2.  Rima finally finished that ENTIRE cake she ate (why do my friends continually supply her with sweets?!?!?)

3.  Beach time this weekend

4.  Family time this weekend (I feel like I haven't seen the niece and nephew in forever)

5.  New work computer (help, I'm turning into an Apple girl)

6.  Breana is excited for hump day happiness

7.  My tummy is getting happy again

8.  I'm surrounded by wonderful people

9.  Upcoming birthday (hooray for 28!)

10.  Pay day!!!!

Share your happiness too!!!
Tootles for now


  1. So, I know my comment is rather late because another Hump Day is almost upon us, but YAY for Hump Day Happiness!!!!

    So, I wanted you to hurry and post this last week because I was experiencing a little Hump Day Happiness of my own, and I felt the need to share it. Of course I am always grateful that the Lord continues to watch over me, provide for me, and keep me, but I was reminded last Wednesday of the benefits of unwaivering faith in God.

    A few weeks ago, a certain sector of my life had become quite frustrating. I tried to convince Shayna to move back to Columbia so it would be easier for us to meet up for a venting session, but she didn't give in to that request. After I allowed myself a day to be upset. I took time and really prayed to the Lord about my situation. I talked to him about how I was feeling and what I wanted the outcome of the situation to be if it was His will. After I said Amen, I truly stopped worrying about the situation. I didn't rehash the events with friends. I didn't allow myself to think about it anymore. Then, on Wednesday of last week, my situation was truly turned around! So I experienced genuine Hump Day Happiness as a result of my unwaivering faith! I'm still praying for the desired outcome, but things are definitely headed in the right direction now.

    I can't wait to see what Happiness I will experinence this Hump Day! :-)

    1. Breana,

      Thanks so much for the comment (better super late than never :-). Your comment reminded me of my "broken" post. Perhaps when we have struggles God doesn't want us to tell others because He wants us to tell Him. I have also had experiences in just being completely and open with God, even when the feelings weren't so nice, and it felt great to just get rid of everything.

      I'm so glad to hear that things are working out for you. Remember Romans 8:28.

      I'm excited to hear your hump day happiness for this week. I hope I don't have to wait until next week to hear it.....

  2. Breana, thank you for sharing that profound insight! It is just what I needed to hear for a situation I'm going through! And Shayna thank you for Romans 8! Both of these comments were much needed!
